When running this query in hibernate/jpa
jbpmContext.getSession().createQuery("select pi from org.jbpm.graph.exe.ProcessInstance pi where pi.id = ?1 or pi.id = ?2 or pi.id =?3")
.setParameter(1, 9L).setParameter(2, 10L).setParameter(3, 11L).list();
Which is very strange. The reason why hibernate cannot figure this out is because the ejb 3 form
is interpreted as a named parameter! So here we actually have to write it as .setParameter("1", 9L)
instead, or change the query and only type ? like so.jbpmContext.getSession().createQuery("select
pi from org.jbpm.graph.exe.ProcessInstance pi where pi.id = ? or pi.id
= ? or pi.id =?").setParameter(0, 9L).setParameter(1, 10L).setParameter(2, 11L).list();
The message about "1-based" is misleading here. It refers to the fact the the metadata for parameters is actually indexed by their sql positions (which is 1-based).
Good to know!