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Thursday, October 8, 2009

IE8 bug in Seam 2

There seem to be a problem with IE8 and Seam applications. We are running Seam 2.1, JSF 1.2 and Facelets, and I cannot say for sure where the bug is. For all I know its a bug with IE8.

There seem to be problems when creating long-running conversations. In link using IE8 the cid doesnt appear. Somehow it is stripped or doesn't render correctly, and it causes some strange behaviour.
When trying to create a long running conversation by pushing an edit link for instance, we get a "Your session has timeout" exception.

We fixed this IE8 problem by telling Internet Explorer to emulate IE7 in pages.xml
<page view-id="*">
<header name="X-UA-Compatible">IE=EmulateIE7</header>

I suggest you do the same until the bug is identified and fixed.
